Example for reading, writing and displaying depth file data

Import libraries and define settings

In [12]:
from openearthtools.io.delft3d.dep import Dep as depcls
from openearthtools.io.delft3d.grid import Grid as gridcls
import numpy as np
#import delft3doperators as d3do

gridfile = '../applications/delft3doperators/data/wl2a.grd'
sourcedepfile = '../applications/delft3doperators/data/refplanewl2a.dep'
targetdepfile = '../applications/delft3doperators/data/test2.dep'

pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 8

Read grid and depth files and subsequently write new depth

In [13]:
grid = gridcls.fromfile(gridfile)                #Read grid-file
dep = depcls.read(sourcedepfile,grid.shape)      #Read dep-file
dep2 = dep.copy()                             #Read dep-file again
dep2.val = dep2.val + 1.0                     #Adjust depth    
dep2.write(targetdepfile)                 #Save depth

# Warning: (This is not how to do it)
# dep2 = dep
# dep2.val = dep.val + 1.0 
# As it changes the value of dep.val

Plot curvilinear grid

In [14]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.plot(grid.x.transpose(), grid.y.transpose(), 'g')
ax.plot(grid.x, grid.y, 'g')

Plot depth before and after as 2d plot

In [15]:
print grid.x[1:3,1:3]

[[-- --]
 [-- --]]

WARNING: grid and dep locations should be further checked

In [17]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1)
ax[0].pcolor(grid.x, grid.y, dep.val[0:-1,0:-1], vmin=6,  vmax=10)
ax[1].pcolor(grid.x, grid.y, dep2.val[0:-1,0:-1],vmin=6,  vmax=10)

Plot depth before and after as 1d plot

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.plot(range(0,dep2.val.shape[0]),dep2.val[:,23], 'g')
ax.plot(range(0,dep.val.shape[0]),dep.val[:,23], 'r')

In [ ]: